1995: Designing and manufacturing the molds for Toyota ,Peykan , Peugeot and Renault cars

1996: Contract with Fat’h Vehicle Manufacturing Defense Industry to design and manufacture the molds, and assemble the jigs and fixtures , and the front face of the Toyota Land Cruiser F3.

1996: Contract with Khorasan Metallurgy Defense Industry to design and manufacture the molds, and assemble the jigs and fixtures , and the fuel tank of the tanks.

2002: Receiving the ISO 9002 certificate to manufacture the vehicle parts and molds

2002: Designing and manufacturing DAF coach (inter-city) buses
2002: Designing and manufacturing DAF coach (inter-city) buses

2003: The contract of transmitting the technology and working as the representative of DAF BUS International Company
2003: Manufacturing the body molds of Persica Bus
2004: Designing and manufacturing the coach buses with DAF chassis drives with Euro 3 Standard, and the body approval of DAF

2004: Signing the contract of transmitting the technology and importing the chassis drive from Daimler Crysler Company to manufacture Benz coach buses in Iran with Euro 3 Standards and designing and assembling the bodies of Benz Buses under the technical supervision of Mercedes Benz.
2004: Signing the contract of of the State Terminal Organizations to produce 150 DAF and Benz city buses

2004: Signing the contract with Tabriz Tractor Sazi Company- the center of small trucks- to design molds, assemble and produce jigs and fixtures of the driver compartments for small trucks, and trimming after the approval of the Tabriz Tractor Sazi experts and the auditors of the Industry Ministry. This contracts accounts 1000 Azarakhsh small trucks.
2006: Signing the contract of 500 city buses with the Iranian Municipalities and Rural Management Organization
2008: Signing the contract of 400 city buses with the Iranian Municipalities and Rural Management Organization
2008: Launching the production line and assembling the LCK6858H city Midi-buses
2009: Designing and manufacturing the molds and launching the production and assembling line of PY6120A city bus
2009: Designing and manufacturing the molds and launching the production and assembling line of PY6120M city bus
2009: Designing and manufacturing the molds and launching the production and assembling line of PY6700N Mini-bus
2009: Launching the production line and assembling the city bus chassis with the annual capacity of 1000 units
2009: Receiving the ISO 9001-2008 Standard
2009: Running the New Development Plan project to manufacture public transport systems with the capacity of 10,000 units in an area over 500,000 m
2, among which 150,000 m
2 is for the production, assembling and trimming stations.

2009: Signing the contract of purchasing B.R.T buses and running the production and assembling line in the project of the New Development Plan
2010: Signing the contract of 600 city buses with the Iranian Municipalities and Rural Management Organization
2010: Signing the contract of 250 city buses with the Iranian Municipalities and Rural Management Organization
2011: Signing the contract of 300 Mini buses and Middle buses with the Iranian Public Transport and Terminal Organization

2012: Receiving the certificate of Research and Development from the Mining, Industry and Commerce Ministry and receiving ISO 3834-2:2005 Standard
2012: Signing the contract of 100 12-m City buses (BRT)with Isfahan Municipality

2013: Designing and manufacturing the New 12-m City buses (B.R.T) with the Euro 3 and Euro 4 Standards

2013: Designing and manufacturing the airport bus

2013: Producing the Mini-bus (Nissan engine) with Euro 4 Standard

2013: Running the project of reconstruction and renewal of the old city buses and airport buses
2014: Signing the contract of 1639 city buses with the the Iranian Municipalities and Rural Management Organization
2014: Producing the 1
st standard Airport Bus in Iran (inauguration in the Urban Service Fair 2014)
2014: Producing the 1st 18-m bus (inaugurated by the Interior Ministry Deputy in the Urban Comprehensive Management Fair 2014)